Water Service Rules
No connection fee is charged. The service-customer owner is responsible for installing and maintaining all appurtenances from the main to building including the tapping saddle, corporation cock valve, curb stop, and the line. The customer must provide a working environment for water meters to prevent damage from freezing (Code of Ordinances 91.06). LMU will maintain the water main and the water meter. LMU will tap the main and install water metering with a remote reader for a standard water installation. LMU will provide standard water meters and remotes at no charge. Larger than standard meters are included in the material cost to the developer. When the water service line is plastic, the customer is required to install a locate wire with the water service from the main to the building. Water main extensions into development areas are the responsibility of the developer. The diameter of the water main extension will equal the existing pipe diameter (Code of Ordinances Chapter 91).