
Lamoni Municipal Utilities is committed to providing our customers with safe and reliable services at the lowest possible costs 24 hours a day.  LMU's electric system was established in 1935.  In 1941, $35,000 in revenue bonds were sold to install two 300 horsepower diesel engines producing a total of 400 kilowatts to supply the town with electricity.  Lamoni's need for electricity has grown over the years, as has the capacity of the power generating capacity at the original site.  As a result of having generation capabilities, LMU has a long term contract with Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) for the purchase of bulk power as an interruptible customer.  The generation capacity allows LMU to purchase bulk power at a low rate during off peak times, but, the generation capacity in Lamoni must be able to produce enough electricity to supply Lamoni at any given time.