Utility Bills
Utility bills are mailed on the last business day of each month and are due upon receipt. Bills are delinquent 20 days later, or by definition at 8:00 am the 21st of each month. If the 20th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or LMU observed holiday; the bill shall be delinquent if not received in the LMU Office by close of the following business day. If mailed, the envelope containing payment must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service no later than the 20th of the month. A penalty of 1.5% and a $12.50 late notice processing fee is added to delinquent accounts.
Each customer is allowed one late payment per calendar year without a penalty being assessed.
Current customers may be required to make a deposit to guarantee payment should their account(s) become delinquent more than twice in a calendar year. A notice will be mailed after the second time late stating if your account(s) are delinquent a third time during current calendar year a deposit and the current amount due is required. Deposits are equal to high billing in each service for the previous calendar year. The deposit is retained until a history of twelve prompt, consecutive payments is recorded. The deposit, plus interest is refunded after these requirements are met.
We offer budget billing; automatic payment of your account via bank account; online payment via credit card (www.lamoniutilities.com) or credit card payment by telephone. Give us a call if you are interested in any of these options or need more information.
Our business office is open 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. After hours, you may use our outside payment box located on the south side of the office entrance. If you have an emergency, after hours, call 641-784-6911 and our dispatch service will assist you.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact our office. We appreciate your input in our efforts to better manage your utility company.
Valerie Norman, Office Manager
Lamoni Municipal Utilities