Natural Gas Service Rules
No connection fee is charged. However, there is a charge for materials. Materials for a natural gas service such as pipe, riser, tap, and no-flow device, and trace wire are purchased from LMU at cost, and are the responsibility of the service customer. When a larger than standard meter is required, the cost of the meter will be included in the material cost to the customer.
The service owner will provide a ditch or bore from the main to the customer’s building.
LMU will make connection to the main, install the regulator and meter at no charge. LMU will inspect all piping and witness pressure tests on the service line and inside piping prior to connection of the gas meter at no charge. In construction of the customers standard piping, a 1¼” black iron pipe is required from the regulator/meter to the first major gas appliance. The National Fuel Gas Code will be observed in natural gas piping (Code of Ordinances Chapter 110).
Customer Notification of Excess Flow Valve (EFV) Installation
April 3, 2017
You may request that Lamoni Municipal install an excess flow valve (EFV) on the gas line to your property. EFVs are mechanical shut-off devices that a utility can install in the gas pipe running from the gas main to the gas meter at your property (the “service line”). An EFV is designed to stop the gas flow if the service line is broken, for example, by an excavation accident. Stopping the gas flow from a broken service line significantly reduces the risk of natural gas fire, explosion, personal injury and/or property damage.
If you notify us that you want an EFV, we will contact you to set up a mutually agreeable date when we will install an EFV on your service line. Customer pays actual installation cost, provided to customer on a case-by-case basis when EFV installation/replacement is requested. Notification describes a range of estimated costs.
Potential advantages & disadvantages of Excess Flow Valves (EFVs).
An EFV is designed to shut off the gas flow if the service line is severed between the gas main and the meter set.
What an EFV won’t do?
- An EFV is NOT designed to close if a leak occurs beyond the gas meter on house piping or appliances. An EFV also may not close if the leak on the service line is small.
Possibility of EFV activation (closure) if the customer adds load.
- If you add, for example, more gas appliances, a pool heater, emergency generator, etc., the additional gas flow may cause the EFV to close.
EFV Installation and Replacement Costs
Installation Cost
You will be billed for the cost of installing the EFV. The average installation cost is typically $1200-$1500, but the actual installation cost will depend on the difficulty of installation. We will inform you of the actual cost before you make the final decision that you want an EFV.
Replacement Cost
If the EFV on your service line must be replaced, you will be billed for the cost of replacing the EFV. Replacing an EFV can cost from $1200-$1500, but the actual replacement cost will depend on the difficulty of replacement.
What might trigger a need to replace the EFV?
Customer adds load: EFV replacement may be necessary if you add additional gas appliances, such as a pool heater or emergency generator that exceeds the capacity of the EFV.
EFV fails closed/open: EFV replacement may be necessary if the EFV malfunctions (sticks open or closed).
Probability of failure based on industry experience: Industry experience is that EFVs rarely malfunction.
If a service-line customer requests EFV installation and the load does not exceed 1,000 SCFH and the conditions listed below are not present, the operator must install an EFV at a mutually agreeable date.
The service line does not operate at a pressure of 10 psig or greater throughout the year;
The operator has prior experience with contaminants in the gas stream that could interfere with the EFV’s operation or cause loss of service to a customer;
An EFV could interfere with necessary operation or maintenance activities, such as blowing liquids from the line; or
An EFV meeting the performance standards in § 192.381 is not commercially available to the operator
IMPORTANT NOTE: EFVs cannot be installed on some service lines due to high gas flow, low pressure or other factors. If you request an EFV but your service line cannot accommodate an EFV, the Lamoni Municipal Utilities will inform you.