Electric Service Rules
Standard Customer Electric Services
No connection fee is charged. New secondary services shall be underground.
Installation fees for standard three wire 240 volt meter sets are:
- 100-amp service $350.00
- 200-amp service $750.00
LMU will provide the respective meter, meter set with breaker, and wiring from the transformer to the meter set. The meter set with breaker will be located in close proximity to the transformer.
The service-customer will provide conduits, trenching or boring from the meter/breaker to the customers building, wire termination at both ends from breaker to panel box, 4 conductor underground wiring, grounding attachments, and burial marking tape.
A state licensed electrician is required to do the work.
An Iowa Electric Inspector shall inspect the work prior to activation.
All lines and parts after the meter/breaker are the responsibility of the service-customer to maintain.
Irregular Customer Electric Services
For irregular services (400-amp, 3-phase etc.) a cost estimate will be provided to the customer upon request. The estimated cost will be based upon the (at-cost) of materials, equipment, and labor (aid in construction). All fees and aid in construction charges shall be paid in full prior to a meter being installed and services being connected.
Single Structures, with multiple metered customers are Irregular Services.